Saturday, June 27, 2015

The New Rainbow

The supreme court has finally declared state constitutions unconstitutional in their bans on same-sex marriage.  It's hard to see where this trend in post-moral relativism will end, mostly because I can't see the world going on much longer as this trend continues its progress.  I can't see it being reversed by anything short of a massive Christian revival powered by divine intervention.  Perhaps God will give our nation some hard times to discipline us and wake us up.  But haven't we had enough of those already?  I've lost hope in our nation's future.  They're taking over our laws, our schools, and worst of all our children's minds.  Even the rainbow has been redefined and paraded proudly in the streets.  Rainbows used to stand for a heavenly reminder of hope that the world would not be destroyed by flood again, presumably because all evildoers were wiped out with the first one.  Yet just like those sammael monsters in Hellboy, they came back in greater numbers than before and may not be finally destroyed by anything short of the fires of hell on earth.

"By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly." (2 Pe 3:7)
It's tempting to predict that the next big move the left makes will be to crack down on our religious liberty to be intolerant of things God finds intolerable, or to prohibit talk of judgment day or even the fact that God made the world, owns the world, that it is his art project and no one has the right to tamper with it without consequence.  Anyway, I'm already living in the next world.